Multimedia application for home care of post-surgery patients: care-educational technology prototype
Patient Discharge, Nursing, Home Nursing, Multimedia, Mobile ApplicationsAbstract
Objective: to develop a care-educational technology prototype, in the form of a multimedia application, aimed at home care of post-surgical patients with invasive devices. Method: this is methodological research, developed between March 2021 and April 2022, guided by the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate). Prototyping was carried out with the help of Adobe Experience Design software, applying plugins for icon animation and inclusion of educational videos. Results: the “Home Self-Care” prototype contains a logo, main menu with description of invasive devices, information about the procedure, care and frequently asked questions by patients as well as images and educational videos to guide the construction of knowledge. It should be noted that in the future the application will be hosted in a virtual store. Conclusion: using this tool aims at continuity of care, encouraging users’ autonomy and empowerment at home. It is believed that the technology will facilitate patient recovery and reduce (re)admissions.
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