Internationalization to increase the production of knowledge in nursing: a reflection study
Science and Development, Knowledge, Information dissemination, Nursing Research, Education, GraduateAbstract
Objective: reflect on opportunities for the internationalization of nursing in Lusophone countries provided by an international network of nursing knowledge. Method: a reflexive method leading to the modified perception of a given situation leading to new ideas, revealing themes of analysis and proposals for possible solutions through an action plan. This reflection focused on interdisciplinary dialogues, methodological-conceptual innovation, and strengthening of leadership in nursing. Results: the reflection focused on: 1) the dialogue beyond the Lusophone cultural and scientific context for the Network to be recognized as a substantial intellectual partner; 2) the incorporation of multidisciplinary approaches, references, and research designs; and 3) the mobilization of knowledge about social causes to strengthen global nursing leadership in issues of social justice and health equity. Final considerations: Lusophone nursing has expertise to innovate with strategies to strengthen internationalization.
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