Effects of educational practice on self-care and management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in childhood
Diabetes mellitus, Child health, Health education, Pediatric nursing, Play and playthings.Abstract
Objective: to present the effects of health education for the self-care and management of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among children. Method: a qualitative study with a focus group and description of the children’s glycemic profile. The health education activities, of a playful type and with an educational booklet, were carried out with four children with diabetes and their families, in an outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Thematic content analysis was performed. Results: physical activity proved to be an effective option for the practice of self-care, however, there was non-compliance to the adoption of dietary habits aimed at diabetes, concerning inadequate glycemic control, and increased complications. Changes in the management of the disease were observed when comparing the before and after of educational activities. Conclusions: playful resources and an educational booklet had a positive impact on family management and the self-care of children with Diabetes Mellitus.Downloads
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