Experiences of caregivers in the face of their relative’s cancer illness process
Neoplasms, Caregivers, Family, Nursing, Home CareAbstract
Objective: to understand the experiences of family caregivers of people with cancer during the illness process. Method: qualitative and descriptive study, conducted in a city in the Northwest of Rio Grande do Sul, with nine family caregivers of people with cancer. The data produced through semi-structured interviews were submitted to thematic analysis, originating three themes. Data were collected between February and June 2019. Results: after a family member’s illness with cancer, it became necessary to elect a primary caregiver, designated by the other relatives, by the patient or by the caregiver’s own desire. There were changes in the daily dynamics of the family caregiver, highlighted by the abandonment of the job and his/her personal life tasks, entailing overloads. Several conditions experienced by the family caregivers were identified: fear, despair, crying, powerlessness, concern and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: the act of caring for a relative with cancer changes the caregiver’s daily life and has the potential to transform the family structure.Downloads
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