Assessment of adherence to safe surgery checklist in a university hospital
Segurança do paciente, Lista de verificação, Centro cirúrgico, EnfermagemAbstract
Objective: To assess adherence of the safe surgery checklist in a university hospital in the South of Brazil. Method: a descriptive retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in the care units and operating room of a university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected from medical records of patients undergoing elective surgery between September and December 2016. The adherence rate was measured by the existence and quality of filling the checklist items, using descriptive statistics. Results: the rate of adherence to the checklist in the care units ranged from 23.3 to 74.4% and in the operating room, from 55.2 to 61.2%. Conclusion: there was low adherence to filling of the checklist, being important the implementation of strategies that can assist in its filling.Downloads
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