


Social support, Aged, Primary health care, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus


Aim: to evaluate the informal social relations among the elderly with diagnosis of hypertension and/or diabetes, residing in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul. Method: crosssectional population-based study. A total of 1,593 people aged 60 and over were interviewed, of whom 947 had a diagnosis of hypertension and/or diabetes. Results: The prevalence of "informal social relations" was distributed in weak, moderate and strong. The statistical difference among the groups was evaluated with chi-square test and confidence intervals of 95%. Results: the percentage of weak informal relationships was 51.0%, with higher proportions among the elderly aged over 74 years, lower educational level, C and D socioeconomic classification, residents in multigenerational households, with more people and in areas covered by the “Estratégia Saúde da Família” health strategy. Conclusion: the results reinforce the need to develop social protection mechanisms for the elderly with chronic morbidity, in order to minimize the risk of living alone.


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Author Biographies

Mariangela Uhlmann Soares, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from the Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel. Master and Doctor of Science from PPG Nursing - UFPel. Family Health Specialist - UFPel. Substitute Professor at UFPel College of Nursing. Member of the research group AQUARES: Access and quality of the health network of the School of Social Medicine of UFPel.Knowledge area: care for the elderly; social support for the elderly, public health, public health, primary health care.

Bruno Pereira Nunes, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduated in Nursing, master's degree and doctorate in Epidemiology from the Federal University of Pelotas. Professor at the Department of Collective Health Nursing and the Graduate Nursing Program at the Federal University of Pelotas. Has experience in Collective Health, focusing on Epidemiology, acting on the following subjects: access and use of health services, primary care, multimorbidity and model of care for chronic diseases. Leader of the Brazilian Multimorbidity Study Group (GBEM).

Louriele Soares Wachs, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduate nurse at the Faculty of Nursing, Federal University of Pelotas. Specialist in Public Health from UFPel. Master and Doctor in Health Sciences from PPG in Nursing at UFPel. Member of the AQUARES research group: Access and quality of the health network of the UFPel School of Social Medicine.

Marciane Kessler, Federal University of Pelotas

Sandwich Doctorate at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and Prince Mahidol Fellow at the Institute of Health Equity - University College London (UCL). PhD student in Sciences, Graduate Nursing Program, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), in the research line Epidemiology. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Specialization in Public Health with emphasis on Family Health Strategy. Graduated Bachelor of Nursing - emphasis in Public Health from the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). She is currently a CAPES Social Demand Fellow and member of the research group AQUARES: Access and quality of the health network of the UFPel School of Social Medicine. It works with the themes of epidemiology of aging, social determination of health and evaluation of health services focusing on primary care.

Alitéia Santiago Dilélio, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics and Full Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Pelotas. Master in Nursing, Graduate Nursing Program, Federal University of Pelotas. PhD in Epidemiology, Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas. Member of AQUARES research team. Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel).

Deisi Cardoso Soares, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduation and Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Pelotas. Specialization in Nursing Care Projects from the Federal University of Pelotas. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio Grande Foundation. PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Pelotas. Adjunct Professor II, Faculty of Nursing - UFPel. Areas of interest and expertise: Child Health, Public and Collective Health, Women's Health, Health Education, Neonatology, and Program and Service Evaluation.

Luiz Augusto Facchini, Federal University of Pelotas

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Master in Social Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico. Doctorate in Medicine: Medical Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Post-doctorate in International Health at Harvard School of Public Health in the United States. He is a full professor at the Department of Social Medicine and at the Graduate Programs in Epidemiology, Nursing and Family Health at UFPel. He is coordinator of the ABRASCO Primary Care Research Network in partnership with the Ministry of Health and PAHO. He is a member of the Higher Council of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. He is a member of the scientific committee of BIREME - PAHO, representing Brazil. Coordinates at ABRASCO the National Network of Professional Master's Degree in Family Health, involving 20 national institutions in operation since 2017. Has experience in the area of Collective Health, with emphasis on Epidemiology, with predominant performance in themes about worker health, maternal work and minors, work-related illnesses, and evaluation of health policies and services, especially primary health care and family health. It develops teaching and research activities in close application to health policies and actions within the SUS and universal health systems.

Elaine Thumé, Federal University of Pelotas

Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Nursing and associate professor at the Department of Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing, Federal University of Pelotas. Nurse with PhD in Epidemiology at UFPel with PhD internship at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Master in Nursing, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Community Health Specialist from the Lutheran University of Brazil. Professor at the Professional Master in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE). SIGA-Bagé Study Coordinator, cohort of the elderly in Bagé, RS. Member of research groups AQUARES - Access and Quality in the Health Network and of GBEM - Brazilian Study Group on Multimoribity. Member of the steering committee of the Primary Health Care Research Network (ABRASCO). Experience in the management of the Unified Health System, undergraduate and postgraduate education with emphasis on primary health care, aging and evaluation of public health policies.



How to Cite

Soares, M. U., Nunes, B. P., Wachs, L. S., Kessler, M., Dilélio, A. S., Soares, D. C., Facchini, L. A., & Thumé, E. (2018). INFORMAL SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP REGARDING ELDERLY WITH HYPERTENSION AND/OR DIABETES. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 8(4), 780–793.



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