Digital Literacy, High school, Text, Revision.Abstract
This article aims to report the experience of applying a digital tool, called PADLET, in textual production and revision activities in Portuguese language classes. Remote teaching brought many challenges for teachers and students and the practice of school writing was one of them. It was possible to assess issues such as the importance of digital literacy in schools, the insertion of hypermedia models for text correction and the exchange of experience between the subjects involved in this process through the observation of a high school class. Technology is related to the new generation of students inserted in the virtual environment in which the student, connected to these new media, has the possibility to put into practice their knowledge of the world through activities that are related to their daily lives. Furthermore, it is necessary to insert digital platforms in school activities as the mastery of these resources is essential for the education of the students, and technological culture is part of the social experiences of this subject. Besides, it is necessary to create possibilities so that they can learn to critically and consciously use this new virtual reality.Downloads
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