Rural tourism and family farm base agroecological: an experience in the city of Abreu e Lima - PE


  • Filipe Augusto Xavier Lima Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Gustavo Silva Carreiro de Souza
  • Jorge Luiz Schirmer Mattos Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE



Agroecology, Agro-ecotourism, Agro-ecological transition


It is intended, in the present work was to analyze the relationship between family farming andrural tourism and its impacts on local development, from a case study conducted at St. John RanchArea Agroecological in Abreu e Lima, State of Pernambuco. Identified in this study was thedemonstration of activities related to the development of agro-ecotourism and, therefore, soughtto identify aspects of the transition process agroecological through direct observation of socialpractices on the property. In site visits was evident the potential for exploitation of a type oftourism that combines recreation and preservation/conservation of ecological agroecosystems,being an aggregate value which favors family relationship with visitors interested in researching orjust meet and eat some processed products on site. The methodology used was direct observationof the phenomenon and, in a second step, we performed a literature search on the key themesdiscussed here.


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Author Biographies

Filipe Augusto Xavier Lima, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural

Gustavo Silva Carreiro de Souza

Engenheiro Agrônomo e Licenciado em Ciências Agrícolas

Jorge Luiz Schirmer Mattos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE

Professor do Departamento de Educação


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ZIMMERMANN, A. Planejamento e Organização do Turismo Rural no Brasil. In: ALMEIDA, J. A;

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How to Cite

Lima, F. A. X., Souza, G. S. C. de, & Mattos, J. L. S. (2013). Rural tourism and family farm base agroecological: an experience in the city of Abreu e Lima - PE. Monografias Ambientais, 10(10), 2311–2317.

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