The garment industry in the municipality of Maringá, Paraná: perceptions on the generation of solid waste



Fashion, Clothing, Waste, Management


The production and treatment of waste is a problem in today's society and one of the productive sectors that deserves to be highlighted in relation to waste is the one involved with fashion. The clothing manufacturing industry is part of this sector and the generation of waste is significant, especially the fabric retail. In order to analyze the production and destination of this type of waste, the production of clothing in the municipality of Maringá, PR is discussed here. For that, the qualitative approach methodology was used, more specifically the study of multiple cases and applied methods of production and analysis of the semi-structured interview. The study allows us to understand the ways of understanding the problem of waste generation and management from the perspective of actors and institutions directly involved in the process, namely: the owners of the factories, the employees, the public agencies.


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Author Biographies

Paula Piva Linke, State University of Maringá

Professor of the Fashion course at the State University of Maringá, on the Cianorte campus. PhD in Environmental Science from Procam (USP) with a Capes scholarship, she develops research in the area of ​​Fashion and Sustainability. Master in History from the State University of Maringá (UEM). Graduated in Fashion from Cesumar, with a specialization in History and Society (UEM) and, Specialization in Fashion (CESUMAR). She works as a teacher in the areas of environmental management in administration, as well as design, textile technology and fashion history in fashion courses.

Sílvia Helena Zanirato, Universidade de São Paulo

Associate professor - full professor at the University of São Paulo. He works on the Bachelor's degree in Environmental Management and the Postgraduate Programs in Environmental Science and Social Change and Political Participation, all at USP. She has a PhD and Master's degree in History from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1996), Specialist in Cultural Heritage Management from the Federal University of Pernambuco and Post-Doctorate in Political Geography from the University of São Paulo and in History from the University of Sevilla. She was a visiting professor at the Federal University of Bahia and the University of Sevilla and was Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Social Change and Political Participation (2012/2014). Coordinated the Fapesp Project "Cultural heritage of Vale Histórico Paulista: analysis of vulnerability to climate change" (2011-2014), the CNPq Project "Risk management of assets with a heritage function to climate change: measures for the formulation of public policies" ( 2015-2017), was main researcher in the thematic project Fapesp - Environmental governance of the Macrometropolis of São Paulo in the face of climate variability (2019-2023), coordinates the Project Vulnerabilities of small cities in the macrometropolis of São Paulo to climate variability.


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How to Cite

Linke, P. P., & Zanirato, S. H. (2023). The garment industry in the municipality of Maringá, Paraná: perceptions on the generation of solid waste. Monografias Ambientais, e67961. Retrieved from

