Sustainable construction: a bibliographic review
Housing, Sustainability, UrbanizationAbstract
The urbanization process causes major changes in nature, as well as other activities. When it comes to urbanization, we need to think far beyond the city management process that involves the issue of water, air and soil quality. It is necessary to promote sustainability more broadly, so we can also promote it through housing. The aim of this paper is to present a reflection on the need for sustainable housing as a way to promote care for the environment. The methodology used for the development of this research was the qualitative approach carried out through a bibliographic research. In terms of results, we must consider that sustainable housing, despite having a higher cost in the construction process, brings benefits such as the possibility of generating energy by solar panels, using water, composting waste, etc. In other words, the gains from this type of housing extend to the environment, as they represent an economy of natural resources, as well as the development of a more sustainable city. At the present moment in which we find ourselves in an environmental crisis, only changes in production processes are not enough to promote sustainability.Downloads
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