A contribuição do Rio Fiúza no contexto cultural paisagístico
Multifunctionality of Landscape, Landscape, Cultural Landscape, Panambi, Rio Fiuza, Nature trailsAbstract
The current study of the Landscape acquires natural and humanelements in a plurality never worked before. In this context, The Fiuza riverbasin acquires multifunctional aspects, such as the space, that is used and experienced bythe population of Panambi. An example of this is Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt Municipal Park. Thus,the aim is the realization by means of analytical approach proposed in thetransformation of landscape of the Fiuza river basin, more specifically of some items on the urbanarea in Panambi. In this sense, it is necessary to contextualize the particularities of the numeroususes of the Fiuza river, discoursing so, on the valuation of the local landscape, also correlated withthe obtained results.
Multifunctionality of Landscape; Landscape; Cultural Landscape; Panambi; Rio Fiuza; Nature trailsDownloads
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