Medical plants as proposed interdisciplinary in youth education second segment and adult
Adult education, Science education, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
This paper presents results of a study conducted with students of the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) School of Antonio José de Lima, city of Juscimeira - Matos Grosso, on the topic Medicinal Plants (PM). The main objective of this analysis was to identify the knowledge of students on the theme, seeking to enhance this knowledge as an interdisciplinary tool for teaching, between the disciplines of biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics. The survey took place during the period from November 2013 to September 2014. The methodological development proceeded in alternating steps as follows: initially held an interview to diagnose students' prior knowledge on the subject. In a second step, interdisciplinary lessons were taught, seeking to integrate the topic from the perspective of the students' universe, abordando knowledge of the four disciplines proposals. The outcomes of the research showed that the students had a good prior knowledge of the subject, and that this aspect favored interdisciplinary work, for when the activities were applied, these students to actively participate and answer all the questions and discussions addressed. Thus, the PM theme was confirmed positively as a good option in the proposed interdisciplinary approach to teaching adult education, as students demonstrated perseverance and dedication in all the activities proposed.Downloads
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