Perception of eating habits of students of a primary school in the municipality of Jaciara- MT
Pedagogical practices, Healthy eating, School environmentAbstract
Feeding practices are critical throughout human life, particularly since childhood. Children are more receptive to new knowledge where your eating behavior is influenced by several factors, from family life to school. This study aimed to reflect on the school's contribution in promoting healthy eating habits, by the students, conducting literature review in the scientific bases, exhibition and dialogued classes, practices and recreational activities (game of hopscotch and memory game), as well as exhibition videos. It was felt that one way to contribute to this learning and also to the quality of life is to report on health in the school environment. It is in this environment that becomes conducive teaching and learning concerning healthy eating habits. It was observed that the power of students is not adequate and that we should seek a better way to enter positive changes in their daily routines. The dialogue then favors the perception of student about their eating habits, which during play activities and the submitted videos was expressed about their habits and what would make a difference going forward. The expected result was satisfying, it was noticed that the student has assimilated what was intended with this work.Downloads
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