Perceptions teacher ratio / book teaching and your use of forms of resources at School São Lourenço, Dom Aquino-MT
Textbook, Teachers, Science educationAbstract
This study analyzed how to use the textbook and the resources made available to him by the science teachers of the State School St. Lawrence, Don Aquino-MT. To carry out this research investigated the role assigned to the textbook in the planning and execution of lessons by teachers, and the importance and contribution of the same in science education process for students. The work was developed in the method of qualitative research, which notes in class, conversations reports and questionnaires were the objects of study and reflection to obtain the search results. After data collection interventions were performed. There were two classes, one in the 9th year that featured the theme equal bodies, different fall time; and the other on the 7th year with the theme: Birds and pollution. The activities proposed in the intervention have been taken from resources available in the textbook. Students were asked orally before and after the intervention, so that we could analyze whether there would be a significant learning by the same.
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