Documentary of River Fiúza: teaching material that enables thousands discussions...
Educational Didactic Material, ARPA FIÚZA, DocumentaryAbstract
The preparation and editing of the video, entitled "Documentary of the Fiúza River" had the general objective to draw up and provide educational didactic material, showing the situation of the Fiúza River from the spring to its mouth, in order to dialogue, mobilize and instruct the communities to develop actions of preservation in Panambi and the region which belongs to the watershed. It is essential to discuss the importance and the facets that water resources cover, along with the intrinsic importance of the landscape, as well as its multifunctionality. To carry out the Video Documentary of the Fiúza River we sought partnerships with the City Department of Education and Culture, City Council on the Environment, City Hall of Panambi (RS), Museum and Historic Archive Professor Hermann Wegermann and Volunteer Teachers. To carry out the Video Documentary of the Fiúza River we used bibliographical research, field research, interviews, filming, video analysis, among others. The organizers are satisfied with the acceptance by the Schools and the Community in general. In this you can explore a range of contents, e.g.: agricultural activities, areas of APP (Area of Permanent Preservation) in light of the legislation in force, the usage and occupations that are installed in the vicinity and that do not meet the regulations, environmental problems, starting from the river's spring, among others.
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