Environmental legislation of state of Paraíba: contributions to management integrated of solid waste
Environmental legislation, Solid waste, Environmental managementAbstract
The impacts of inadequate solid waste management have a negative effect on the environment and health of society. The legislation corresponds to one of the instruments of environmental management, since the law is a science that regulates the social events, among them, the environmental problems. The documentary research was carried out through analysis with scientific value, the observance of the Law 12.305/10, which established the National Solid Waste Policy-PNRS and the issue of solid waste in the state of Paraíba focused legislation. The results showed that the guidelines introduced by Law 12.305/10 reflected in the Paraíba state standards, since they started to address issues related to solid waste management, such as realization of selective collection in state schools; encouraging the organization of waste pickers and use of biodegradable bags. However, legislative developments still show up shy and distant to change the reality of fact, for the materialization of law depends not only on the issue of legal texts, but also popular participation and political will.Downloads
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