the moodle usage in the process of teaching-learning of the discipline husbandry climatology


  • Sandro Luis Petter Medeiros Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, santa Maria, RS
  • Liziany Müller Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, santa Maria, RS
  • Andriéli Hedlund Bandeira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, santa Maria, RS



TIC, Tecnologia Educacional, Ensino-Aprendizagem.


There is a great evolution of technological artifacts, notably the emergence of new technologies and the so-called social networks. In turn, young people, among them students, have great fascination for technology. This new attraction, it can also be used in the teaching and learning process through innovations in the mode of teaching, such as the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Thus, the work seeks to formalize a pedagogical mediation more attractive and interactive, using Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning, for the process of teaching and learning for students of the discipline of Climatology Zootechnical the course of Animal Husbandry Science Center Rural UFSM. It was also characterized the profile and audience of electronic literacy. They have to develop appropriate electronic literacy activities in AVEA. Have great acceptability for running the distance activity because the activity performed effectively, with an index of posting 77%. They consider that the activity distance activities are a very important complement those classroom.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, S. L. P., Müller, L., & Bandeira, A. H. (2013). the moodle usage in the process of teaching-learning of the discipline husbandry climatology. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 12(12), 2531–2539.

