The challenges of management democratic front pf the diversity of public policy in these everyday school


  • Camila Moresco Possebon Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Nicole Zanon Veleda



This paper presents the reflections of scholars subproject Pedagogy/UFSM/Pibid aiming to propose alternative school organization enabling the systematization of activities offered in time inverse to promote the effective participation of the students. The methodology is qualitative approach action research. The data source was used the control of frequency and the justification of absences of students. The theoretical studies were used Libâneo (2008) and Freire (1983, 2000) about the democratic management in the school context. Therefore, it is concluded that outline strategies for organizing activities in the opposite shift, noting its intent is an alternative to promote the effective participation of the students in these activities.

Key-words: democratic management; multidisciplinary room; extracurricular activities.


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Author Biography

Camila Moresco Possebon, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Acadêmica do 10º Semestra do curso de Pedagogia/noturno da UFSM, bolsista PIBID.


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How to Cite

Possebon, C. M., & Veleda, N. Z. (2013). The challenges of management democratic front pf the diversity of public policy in these everyday school. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 2(3), 27–34.


