Experience report on manifestations of barbarism in the school environment: the encounter between Theodor Adorno's emancipatory education and Georges Bataille's transgressive literature as a philosophical-literary práxis





Barbarism, Emancipation, Transgression, Philosophy, Literature


The present experiential account aims to provide a broad overview of the research on the intersection between Theodor Adorno's emancipatory education and Georges Bataille's transgressive literature. It seeks to problematize and reflect on how to break the cycles of violence in the school environment without resorting to normative and moralizing principles. The study discusses and highlights the importance of the dialogue between literature and philosophy, as the latter alone cannot reflectively engage students. In Bataille, there is an opportunity for transgression, error, and emotion as a philosophical-literary opportunity to redefine prejudiced attitudes. Emancipatory activities such as documentary production, autobiographies, and performances were undertaken by third-year high school students at the State School Nossa Senhora Aparecida in the municipality of Formosa do Rio Preto, Bahia. The research is anchored in Adorno's texts "Education and Emancipation" (2006) and "Negative Dialectics" (2009), as well as Bataille's "Story of the Eye" (2018) and "Literature and Evil" (2015). The qualitative methodology allows for reflection on the students' narratives as authors of their own life project.


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Author Biography

Francisco Atualpa Ribeiro Filho, Secretaria de Educação do Ceará

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Piauí; Licenciado em Filosofia pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Bacharel em Administração Pública pela Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Especialização em: Docência do Ensino Superior (UNOPAR); Gestão Pública Municipal (UESPI); Gestão Educacional em Rede EaD (UFPI); Atualmente é orientador do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC) da FCP e professor efetivo da SEDUC-CE.


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BRONTË, Emily. O morro do vento uivante. Tradução de Adriana Lisboa. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2016.

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How to Cite

Ribeiro Filho, F. A. (2024). Experience report on manifestations of barbarism in the school environment: the encounter between Theodor Adorno’s emancipatory education and Georges Bataille’s transgressive literature as a philosophical-literary práxis. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 10(1), e1/1–18. https://doi.org/10.5902/2448065785663