The art of thinking: investigations on the paths of logic
Autonomy, The teaching of logic, Human thinking formation, Logic historyAbstract
In this study I intend to show a historical sketch of logic, constructed by putting in evidence some aspects of the formation of the human though that propitiated its development, starting from the human need for good thinking. The study was accomplished by a theoretical-methodological aspect of Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) by Norman Fairclough (2001) and Content Analysis (AC) by Laurence Bardin (2010), taking as presupposition the conception of the verbal text as discursive materiality and the discourse as the plenitude of the social practice that encompasses and constitutes it (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). In a transversal way, logic was seen as the art of thinking and its teaching was carried out through daily reflections and discussions, in other words, the logic teaching was not limited to a historical-didactic exposition of traditional logic, however, it aimed to well form the students minds, guiding the intellect, searching for the truth. The logic is important both as an instrument for analyzing arguments and from a historical point of view, because it was invented and systematized within the context of Greek Philosophy, and, therefore, it is allied to the history of the Western thought. The logic teaching is currently necessary because it offers tools that allow us to verify the available information so we can perceive when it is true or false through a critical, rational and careful analysis.
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