Ethical Training in the philosophical context of Basic Education
Philosophy, Ethical training, Ethics, Authenticity, ResponsibilityAbstract
The objective of this article is to point out possibilities of ethical thinking that can be appropriated by Basic Education in a concrete way and that help the teaching and learning processes of Philosophy as an unique moment in the ethical formation of youth in schools. We developed a theoretical approach to Ethics based on fundamental concepts for the current discussion, authenticity and responsibility, with a reinterpretation to bring the conceptual theoretical field, typical of philosophy, closer to the experiential field of both the Basic Education teacher and the students, given that the appropriation of philosophical activityis closely related to the meaning of philosophy for the student. We also seek an understanding of Ethics that can guide the directions of work with Philosophy in Basic Education, considering for that, the most recent contributions of Philosophy, such as Charles Taylor and the development of na ethics for authenticity, corroborating for the formation of students who are in an important phase of formation and self-knowledge, and Hans Jonas and ethics thought as a principle of responsibility towards the things that guarantee the existence and perpetuation of life on the planet.
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