The experience in the social formation of the subject and the symbolic interacionismo in G. H. Mead: contributions for the Teaching of Philosophy in the Secondary
Symbolic Interacionismo. To act Communicatively. Teaching of Philosophy.Abstract
The present work takes as a study object the analysis of the concepts of Interacionismo Simbólico of George Herbert Mead and to Act Communicatively of Jürgen Habermas and his contributions for the Philosophy teaching in the Secondary education, when an educative action carried out in the context of the Public school was articulated to. The inquiry consisted in developing a methodology of teaching of philosophy in the public school orientated in a perspective of identification, problematização and it looks for problems solutions on basis of studies of philosophical and his tradition for proper contextualização. The philosophy would be a mediator’s sort and it drives, between the different forms of knowledges present in the lives of the students, and it would have the basic paper to organize and articulating critically, in accordance with his context and necessities, several nuances of to know. The relevance of the inquiry, it is justified, initially, because of being the first practical teaching experience, in Brazil, based on the symbolic interacionismo of George Herbert Mead and his contributions to understand the contemporary society; at as place, for the necessity of teaching alternatives - hegemônicas being built, valuing the experiences of the subjects, his daily existences, looking for the constitution of an ethics and problems resolution.
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