What sort of interdisciplinarity does the BNCC offer to philosophy? Some approaches to the portuguese language





BNCC, Curriculum, Interdisciplinarity, Philosophy, Portuguese.


This paper analyses the fourth and final version of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2018), considering the not so recent efforts to make the Brazilian basic education (K12) more interdisciplinary. More specifically, the question that guides this analysis, and which the article intends to answer, is: what sort of a possible interdisciplinary work does the Base offer to Philosophy students and teachers? The paper assumes that the Base, although mostly dealing with "knowledge areas", indirectly contains in its skills and competencies the presence of the more traditional school subjects. It is thus possible to identify in those knowledge areas the skills that are most related to the subject at issue. At the same time, by taking into account objects of knowledge and cognitive processes, one can find crossings between the skills of these subjects (in the present case, Philosophy and Portuguese Language). The result is a non-exhaustive list of four possible interdisciplinary relations between Philosophy and Portuguese Language, drawn from the BNCC, approaching themes such as ethics and epistemology, instruments such as arguments analysis and composition, as well as social and affective aspects. Lastly, the interdisciplinary relations are illustrated in the form of a small syllabus proposal.


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Author Biography

Thiago Gruner Conceição, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Graduando na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Conceição, T. G. (2020). What sort of interdisciplinarity does the BNCC offer to philosophy? Some approaches to the portuguese language. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 6, e4/ 1–10. https://doi.org/10.5902/2448065738011



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