Reading and Writing collaboratively in Philosophy class using Facebook Groups and Google Docs




Reading and Writing, Philosophy, Google Docs, Facebook Groups


This text is part of a doctoral research in Education, whose main objective is to understand the limits and possibilities of learning and teaching Reading and Writing in Philosophy (LEF) in High School using Digital Technologies (TD). This brings the partial analysis of an investigative experience held with a third year high school class. In this experiment, we used the Facebook and Google Docs tools for teaching and learning LEF, in order to analyze if it is possible to develop meaningful work using TD; understand and analyze the students behaviors and performance using TD and verify if there is overcoming difficulties on LEF with the use of TD. As procedures were used: the experimental study and the survey. The LEF methodology chosen was from Rodrigo (2014) that privileges the analytical procedure composed of three stages: 1) Semantic and conceptual clarification; 2) Logical structuring of reasoning; 3) Synthetic view of the text. It was also, proposed a fourth stage that consists on a writing production using Google Docs. It was possible to conclude that, despite the difficulties faced by the students in reading, interpretation and writing philosophically, the tools served as a dynamic and enabling support for more dynamic collaborative learning and writing in this increasingly virtual context in which we are all inserted and mostly the younger ones. In this way, it was noticed that the difficulties are not concentrated in the tools of TD, but rather in the lack of contact with the exercises of LEF that need to be incorporated in the quotidian of the classes of philosophy and that can be leveraged by the TD tools.


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Author Biography

Simone Becher Araujo Moraes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Doutoranda na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Moraes, S. B. A. (2018). Reading and Writing collaboratively in Philosophy class using Facebook Groups and Google Docs. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 3(2).



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