Process of changing the design manufacturing of a food company: the contribution of project management



Palabras clave:

project management, manufacturing design, food industry


Given the economic instability of Brazil, the company followed in this technical report realized the need to modernize its industrial park, with the major focus in maintaining the excellence in quality and innovation in the line of products. This work aims to describe the preparation and management of the project, considering the strategy of the organization and the alignment with the board of the company. Being the result of the knowledge acquired from the mistakes and achievements in the management history of the organization, the adopted model of project management was decisive for the success of the intervention. Through careful control, even for small budget and schedule deviations, and through the efficient organization of the steps, there was an opportunity to acquire knowledge about project management; low project cost variance (3.89% of financial deviation, below the expectation when compared to previous projects); schedule anticipation (the rollout step was started 15 days before the planned period); a 20% increase of productivity and product quality gains (30% of reduction in the setup time for extraction). The well-succeeded experience in management and team training might be replicated to other projects in the company, besides contributing to strengthen the importance of project management in suppliers and similar companies.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alessandro Hammoud, Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios

Mestre em Gestão de Negócios pela Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios

Gide José Fernandes, Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios

Mestre em Gestão de Negócios pela Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios

Ivete Rodrigues, Faculdade FIA de Administração e Negócios

Professora Doutora da Faculdade FIA de Adminisitração e Negócios


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Cómo citar

Hammoud, A., Fernandes, G. J., & Rodrigues, I. (2020). Process of changing the design manufacturing of a food company: the contribution of project management. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 12, 1198–1210.

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