Quilombola education and the Suça Dance in the municipality of Chapada da Natividade-TO
History education, Heritage education, Memory, Cultural identityAbstract
The Suça Dance is a traditional cultural manifestation present in the regions of the states of Goiás and Tocantins, especially in the quilombo and traditional communities located in the cities of Natividade, Chapada da Natividade, Santa Rosa, Monte do Carmo, Almas and Dianópolis in Tocantins. In this article, we emphasize the practice of suça in the Chapada da Natividade quilombo, as it represents a region where we have experienced teaching and the cultural traditions present for seventeen years. The aim of this work is to highlight the relationship between the Suça Dance and Quilombola Education, with an emphasis on reading about memory and cultural practice. We began by discussing the contribution of education and its foundations to human development and the link with Dança da Suça, from the interfaces with studies on collective memory and cultural practice, seeking the foundations in Maurice Halbwachs (1990) and other readings, as important elements in the study of quilombola communities and the preservation of memory. Finally, the perspectives of heritage education were examined, with an emphasis on History Education, as an aid to understanding the identity and development of the school and the community, as well as the cultural influences that mark their memories.
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