Relationships between determinants of foreign direct and portfolio investment in Brazil
Foreign direct investment, Foreign portfolio investment, Cluster analysis, Vector error correctionAbstract
This research analyzes the relationships between foreign direct investment (FDI) and portfolio investment (PI) in Brazil, along with their domestic macroeconomic determinants, aiming to address the following question: are there differences between FDI and PI in Brazil and their internal macroeconomic determinants? For exploratory analysis, the study employed literature review, descriptive statistics, and cluster analysis. Confirmatory analysis was conducted through the estimation of two vector error correction models (VECM), with FDI and PI as dependent variables. The independent variables included risk, trade openness, exchange rate, and inflation rate. Cluster analysis was used as a preprocessing step for VEC models, effectively classifying variables based on their exogeneity. VEC model estimates indicated that the risk variable had a negative effect on FDI but a positive effect on PI. Trade openness did not stimulate FDI; however, it was favorable for PI. Exchange rate depreciation had different impacts on foreign investment, stimulating FDI but discouraging PI. The inflation rate showed a positive relationship with FDI but a negative relationship with PI.
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