Human rights education, language and technology




Human Rights, Education, Digital Technologies, Language, Verbal violence


This article addresses the challenges of human rights education in the context of verbal violence in digital interactions. Its objective is to analyze the complexity of technology and language in virtual environments, proposing educational alternatives focused on empathy and dialogue. The theoretical framework includes Feenberg, who discusses the non-neutrality of technology; Fiorin, who examines the ambiguity of language; and Rorty, who advocates for sentimental education to promote human rights. This qualitative and bibliographic research involves a critical analysis of technology (Feenberg) and language (Fiorin), as well as a human rights education approach that incorporates the affective dimension, based on the ideas of Chust and Rorty. The article explores the tension between the ambivalence of technology and the ambiguity of language, acknowledging the role of emotions and feelings in building a culture of peace and promoting human rights. As a result of the analysis, it is proposed that sentimental education, supported by narratives that evoke empathy, can be an effective response to verbal violence and human rights violations in digital media. It is argued that both language and technology should be used in ways that foster understanding, dialogue, and cooperation, proposing an educational approach that values the affective and emotional dimensions beyond the cognitive, aiming to form citizens committed to human rights.


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Author Biography

Luís Cláudio Dallier Saldanha, Universidade Estácio de Sá

Doutor em Educação pela UFSCar (2001), Mestre em Letras pela USP (1995) e Graduado em Letras (UERJ, 1989). Professor Titular da Universidade Estácio de Sá e Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE-UNESA), na Linha de Pesquisa: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação nos Processos Educacionais (TICPE). Membro do Conselho de Ensino Pesquisa e Extensão (CONSEPE). Atua também como Curador Sênior na Edtech EnsineME (YDUQS). Foi Diretor de Ensino de Graduação da YDUQS entre 2018 e 2019, além de Diretor de Serviços Pedagógicos do Grupo Estácio | YDUQS de 2015 até 2019. Tem experiência na área de gestão educacional e atuado como pesquisador principalmente nos seguintes temas: Educação e Tecnologia; Teoria Crítica da Tecnologia; Educação a Distância; Ensino Remoto; Linguagem e mídias digitais; Cultura Judaica.


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How to Cite

Saldanha, L. C. D. (2024). Human rights education, language and technology. Revista InterAção, 15(2), e85821.