The 'democratic issue' between the Brazilian Supreme Court and Bolsonarism
Democratic stability, Bolsonaro government, Political liberalism, Supreme Federal CourtAbstract
The objective of this paper is the 'democratic question' in Bolsonaro's Government period (2019-2022). We assume that its institutional matrix – the rule of law – has been affected, especially in the balance between the republican powers. With the interpretative methodological use of secondary sources and the linguistic analysis of a document with legal content (voting statement of former minister Celso de Mello of the STF), we briefly present (1) the crises of the democratic fabric at the international level-which would have reached Brazil, and (2) the position of the Brazilian judiciary in front of the authoritarian rampage of the executive. A dilemma emerges from this examination: to confirm the democratic institutions, it is possible that the judiciary has overreached itself in controlling the right to demonstrate. Regardless, it is concluded that the Federal Supreme Court has played a fundamental, although not exclusive, role in supporting democracy during this troubled Brazilian historical period.
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