Transformations in the publishing market with the digital revolution in Book Wars of Thompson
Book, Publishing, New mediaAbstract
The impact of the digital revolution in the publishing market is the focus of the latest book by John B.
Thompson to be released in Brazil in 2021 by the Unesp publishing house. There are 12 chapters about
the new publishing universe, based on the last few decades, with transformations, challenges and
reconstructions, and the final processes of the revolutions in this market. Thompson describes digital
books, the growth of self-publishing and the popularity of audiobooks, discussing the processes of
creation and publishing, as well as dissemination, distribution, dissemination/sales and
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THOMPSON, John B. As guerras do livro: a revolução no universo editorial. Tradução de Fernando Santos. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2021.
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