One-on-one with José Monegal




Translation, regionalism, Gauchesca, Border, José Monegal


The reflections of this commented translation point to considerations about the choices made in the exercise of literary translation. In this case, a short story by José Monegal is worked on, a writer who, in the representation of the Pampas and border environment, presents a language filled with orality, regionalisms and colloquialities that demand investigations about a culture that, at the same time that it places itself as close to the Brazilian territory, also has its particularities. Thus, to translate “Mano a mano”, it was necessary to exercise creations, offering the Uruguayan author's text an opening to interpretative possibilities.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Garcia Rizzon, Federal University of Pampa

Graduated in Literature from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1992); Master in Letters, in the area of ​​Comparative Literature, by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2005) and Doctorate in Letters, in the area of ​​Comparative Literature, by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2011). He has worked at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - RS (2000-2007) and at the State University of Santa Cruz - BA (2007-2008). From 2008 to the present, he has been a professor at the Federal University of Pampa, working at the Jaguarão Campus. Has experience in the area of ​​Literature, with emphasis on Literature and Spanish Language, researching mainly the following topics: frontier, regionalism, library and translation.   Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"          

Kéven Costa de Lima, Federal University of Pampa

He holds a degree in Portuguese, Spanish and their respective literatures from Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA). He was a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program (PET-Letras), coordinated by professor Geice Peres Nunes, from 2019 to 2022, and was a member of the research projects "Frontiers of Literary Translation", in 2019, and "José Monegal in translation: theory, practice and criticism", from 2020 to 2022, both coordinated by Professor Carlos Rizzon.

Larissa Gonçalves da Rosa, Federal University of Pampa

Graduating in Portuguese, Spanish and their respective literatures at the University Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). She received a scholarship from the research project "José Monegal in translation: theory, practice and criticism", coordinated by Professor Carlos Rizzon, in 2021.

Lucas da Silva Arias, Federal University of Pampa

Graduating in Portuguese, Spanish and their respective literatures at the University Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). He received a scholarship from the research project "José Monegal in translation: theory, practice and criticism", coordinated by Professor Carlos Rizzon, from 2019 to 2021. He was also a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program (PET-Letras), coordinated by professor Geice Peres Nunes, in 2022. Currently, he is a scholarship holder of the research project “Ensino of grammar at school: from unconscious linguistic knowledge to linguistic awareness”, coordinated by Professor Leonor Simioni.

Lucas Martins, Federal University of Pampa

Graduating in Portuguese, Spanish and their respective literatures at the University Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). He was part of the research project “José Monegal in translation: theory, practice and criticism”, coordinated by Professor Carlos Rizzon, from 2020 to 2022. of the Tutorial Education Program (PET-Letras), coordinated by Professor Geice Peres Nunes, from 2019 to 2022.

Maria Ingrid de Macedo, Universidade Federal do Pampa

She holds a degree in Portuguese, Spanish and their respective literatures from Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA). She was a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program (PET-Letras), coordinated by professor Geice Peres Nunes, from 2019 to 2022, and was a member of the research projects "Frontiers of Literary Translation", in 2019, and "José Monegal in translation: theory, practice and criticism", from 2020 to 2022, both coordinated by Professor Carlos Rizzon. In 2022, she served as Professor of Literary Studies at the Faculty of the Third Age – University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP). At the moment, she works as a teacher of Portuguese language in state and private schools in São Paulo.


BENAVIDES, Washington. Prólogo. In: MONEGAL, José. El tropero macabro y otros cuentos. Montevidéu: Banda Oriental, 1978. p. 5-8.

MONEGAL, José. Mano a mano. In: MONEGAL, José. Cuentos escogidos. Montevidéu: Banda Oriental, 1967. p. 176-179.

ROCCA, Pablo. Prólogo. In: MONEGAL, José. Cerrazón y otros cuentos. Montevidéu: Banda Oriental, 2007. p. 5-10.



How to Cite

Garcia Rizzon, C., Costa de Lima, K., Gonçalves da Rosa, L., da Silva Arias, L., Martins, L., & de Macedo, M. I. (2023). One-on-one with José Monegal. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 3(1).