Landscape and daily life in geography teaching: didactic challenges and practical possibilities in Vitória do Xingu-PA




Geography Teaching, Landscape, Daily, Victory of Xingu-PA


This article is the result of research carried out with 6th grade elementary school classes in Vitória do Xingu, one of the cities impacted by the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant. The general objective of this work was to highlight the changes in the landscape perceived by the students based on their daily experiences of the lived space. As for the methodology, there was the application of a pedagogical practice on teaching Geography, organized through: theoretical research and bibliographical survey; theoretical class to reinforce concepts and central elements of the didactic proposal to students; and an expository class, with the exhibition of images of the city of Vitória do Xingu in different periods. Subsequently, it was suggested to the students an artistic production and a written production regarding their perceptions regarding the changes in the landscape from their respective spaces. After analyzing the productions carried out, the results indicate that the pedagogical practice manages to make the students reflect not only the change in the look of the landscape but also that they can understand the reasons that led to these transformations. On the other hand, it is emphasized that it is challenging for the teacher to propose this type of pedagogical practice, however, the results cause innumerable possibilities for the construction of knowledge by the students, making them understand, reflect and relate the learning objects to their everyday lives.


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Author Biographies

Genilson Santana Cornélio, Federal University of Para

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Altamira University Campus, Specialist in Human and Economic Geography from the International University Center - UNINTER (2020-2021), Master in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO/UFPA ) and PhD student in Geography also at PPGEO/UFPA.

José Queiroz de Miranda Neto, Federal University of Para

Bachelor's degree and Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Pará - UFPA, Specialist in Urban Planning from the Metropolitan Faculty of the State of São Paulo, Master's degree in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO/UFPA) and PhD in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Presidente Prudente Campus.


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How to Cite

Cornélio, G. S., & Miranda Neto, J. Q. de. (2023). Landscape and daily life in geography teaching: didactic challenges and practical possibilities in Vitória do Xingu-PA. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 27, e74391.