Ticolino Teacher: teaching Geography and racism in Ituiutaba/MG
Geography, Ituiutaba, RacismAbstract
In Brazil, many individuals living in society perceive the existence of racism in different environments. Racism can be interpreted as a form of prejudice and discrimination based on social perceptions of biological distinctions between peoples. The article deals with the teaching of geography and racism from the life story of professor Ticolino in the city of Ituiutaba (MG). Its general objective is to discuss the manifestation of racism present in Brazilian society. Its specific objective is to analyze the experiences of the interviewed teacher, in order to understand the racial issues involved. The scientific methodology used took place through a review of the bibliographic literature about the researched themes and through the use of interviews, to reach their memories and analyze the teaching of geography and racism in Ituiutaba (MG).
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