Study of German cultural codes: a contribution to the teaching and learning of Geography in Paraíso do Sul/RS
Cultured, Teaching, Identity, PlaceAbstract
The study of culture is relevant to the process of teaching and learning Geography, because from the understanding of concepts related to culture, the learners construct their reflective thinking about space and the social relationships that occur in it, highlighting the local singularities. Thus, the work aimed to answer about the contribution and importance of the ethnic groups that colonized the city Paraíso do Sul/RS for its cultural formation and how culture can help to build the knowledge of the students in basic education, in the teaching of Geography. In order to perform the research, the Municipal School of Elementary Education, Rodrigues Alves, was chosen and the activities were carried out in the 8th year of elementary school. The work was developed in some stages: bibliographical research, field work end classroom activity. As a final consideration, it highlights that German culture is still experienced by the community, being it important in the process of teaching and learning Geography in order to understand and value the local culture.
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