Spatial distribution and morphological properties of closed depressions and drainage headwaters in the Guassupi River Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Cabeceiras de Drenagem, Controle Estrutural, Depressões Fechadas, Planalto das AraucáriasAbstract
The Planalto das Araucárias in Rio Grande do Sul, records a variety of geomorphological features that appear in the landscape as closed and circular concavities, others are shallow and almost closed with a rounded or elongated shape, some showing branches,others are more extensive and notched with a circular amphitheater-like shape. The aim of this paper is to identify and map closed depressions and headwaters, as well as to investigate their relationship with slope, hypsometry, lithology and morphostructural lineaments. The study area comprises the Guassupi river basin on the Southern Plateau of Rio Grande do Sul, in basic volcanic rocks belonging to the Fácies Gramado and the acidic Fácies Caxias of the Serra Geral formation. The mapping of closed depressions and drainage headwaters and extraction of morphostructural lineaments were performed using Basemap satellite imagery. The features were classified into four categories according to their morphological properties: Closed Depressions, located in the flatter portions of the terrain at altitudes greater than 400 meters. The Divider Headwaters Drainages are located near the water dividers at altitudes above 490 m and the inclination of their slopes is above 5%. They are present in the acidic rocksdomain. The Shallow Hollows, on the other hand, occupy the acidic rocks domain at altitudes higher than 400 m in the flat portions of the top of the plateau. The BottomValleyDepressions are large flat bottom depressed areas on acidic rocks. It was found that these features develop mainly at the intersections between the lineament groups of SE and NE direction and are more present in the acidic rocks of Fácies Caxias.
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