Female literary authorship, Blank page, Comparativism.Abstract
Traditionally, the association of the pen with the masculine has had its historical counterpoint in the recurrence of image of the blank page associated with the feminine. Gubar (1981), when analyzing a short story by Karen Blixen ([1957] 1991), proposes that feminine creativity comes with an “anxiety of authorship”. Female authorship is a verifiable phenomenon in the way female writers and translators reread the texts of women who came before them, as if words, when woven together, could create a community of texts. This community is comparativist and international, as it includes authors from different eras and cultures. In The Pillow Book, Peter Greenaway’s 1996 film, which is an adaptation of Sei Shônagon’s The Pillow Book (X–XI centuries), we find the metaphors of text-textile and body-page both as a tribute to the old Japanese text, and as a meditation upon postmodern theoretical issues, which the filmmaker has staged in many of his films. The film The Pillow Book can be read as an expansion of Susan Gubar’s reflections upon the metaphor of the blank page.
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