Experience report: creation of an Observatory to qualify Primary Health Care professionals on Food and Nutritional Surveillance
Nutritional Surveillance, Professional Qualification in Health, Primary Health CareAbstract
The objective of this work is to report the experience of creating the “Observatório de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional” (OVAN) in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), which is a space for training, learning, and exchanging experiences on Food and Nutritional Surveillance (VAN) directed to the actors involved with the theme. To this end, support materials and a social network are made available to help and approach professionals, such as the publication of a notice of reports of experiences in VAN, with 42 actions that will be made available in an e-book. In addition, the 1st Training Cycle on VAN in RS was carried out with different themes and taught by specialists in the area. OVAN also organized the 1st State Meeting on Food and Nutrition Actions in Primary Health Care with lectures and short courses on the subject. It is believed that the OVAN can qualify health professionals by providing tools for permanent education and collaborating with the strengthening of the VAN.
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