Experience report: face-to-face performance of the first clinical pharmacist in a COVID-19 intensive care unit
Clinical pharmacy, COVID-19, Intensive care unitAbstract
The objective of this study is to share the performance of the clinical pharmacist and the results obtained in the challenges faced in the COVID-19 ICU. The study is an experience report on the performance of the first clinical pharmacist, who carried out activities in person, in the COVID-19 ICU of the University Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes, from 03/01/2021 to 05/19/2021. The pharmacist systematically applied the Escala Behavioral de Dor/Behavioral Pain Scale to patients, a validated pain assessment tool. A pharmacotherapeutic follow-up form was also built based on the mnemonic “FAST HUG MAIDENS”, a standardized tool to identify problems related to medications in critically ill patients. The present report demonstrated that the performance of the clinical pharmacist in the hospital environment can be carried out even in the face of several challenges, either by adapting procedures/protocols or by understanding the new, optimizing patient care.
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