School inclusion and schoolars view: from idealized wish to the real world


  • Luise Bertoldo Quatrin Centro Universitário Franciscano
  • Hedioneia Maria Foletto Pivetta Centro Universitário Franciscano


Views, School Inclusion, Education.


The growth of the educational process in the last years in Brazil made possible the inclusion of children and adolescents with special needs (SN) into normal school classrooms. This research was made in a state school in Santa Maria, RS with the objective of investigating and analyzing what was the scholars view about school inclusion. It also wanted to identify the major difficulties faced by the teachers when working with children and adolescent with special needs in special classrooms and in normal classroom of the above mentioned school. The data collection was done using a questionnaire adapted to eleven teachers. The data analysis was a descriptive one based on the data from the questionnaire used as a research instrument. From them, it was identified that the teachers view concerning school inclusion shows a relevant contradiction between the theoretical idealized proposals about school inclusion, and the classroom reality. The teachers presented a clear, concise and real view about school inclusion because at the same time they consider inclusion to be relevant and positive they feel unprepared, some feel challenged and others skeptical. The contrast between National programs of inclusion and the reality of the school researched is highly significant, which shows the fragility of the existing programs.


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How to Cite

Quatrin, L. B., & Pivetta, H. M. F. (2013). School inclusion and schoolars view: from idealized wish to the real world. Special Education Magazine, 21(31). Retrieved from