Autobiographic narratives of congenital blind people


  • Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira
  • Rosely Cecília Rocha de Carvalho Baumel


Education, Visual Diversity, Body, Diversity.


The research carried out in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil, intended at investigating, together with men and women who suffer from congenital visual impairment, how they felt about diversity, body image, self-esteem and vanity. The investigation of autobiographical accounts was the option for this study. Initially, 20 (twenty) interviews were analyzed and 6 (six) autobiographical accounts, selected from the peculiarities of each single interviewee – each one containing his/her single life lessons - followed suit. The conclusion reached is that the subjects had undergone an exhausting process of acceptance of their own impairment. If, on the one hand, the blindness comes with angst, uncertainties, and many difficulties, on the other hand, these circumstances lead the blind to face the ups and downs of life with courage, determination and will to live. Surprisingly, in the study the body was not approached at a source of concern or are which should be emphasized.


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How to Cite

Caputo Ferreira, M. E., & Baumel, R. C. R. de C. (2009). Autobiographic narratives of congenital blind people. Special Education Magazine, 22(35). Retrieved from