Inclusive practices, polycentred approach and accessibility
Accessibility, cooperation, inclusive practices.Abstract
This text reports the realization of the imperative of accessibility to the symbolic, cognitive and practical framework developed by stakeholders to build interdependent links conducive to cooperation between stakeholders and, correlatively, to consistency and the cohesion of school and post-school trajectories. The receptivity of education systems is infered to diversity from the meaning given by individuals and the structures employing them them to the joint undertaking being carried out and the strategies deployed to develop equitable systems of cooperation. It focuses on the reference system available to stakeholders to qualify the validity of their cooperation and the "common" basis of their mutual and reciprocal obligations. He first describes the outlines of common action induced by the presuppositions of an egocentric approach requiring to put the person at the center of public action. It apprehends secondly those encouraged by a polycentric approach inviting to put the becoming of the person at the center. Thirdly, it describes the ways in which people with special educational needs can become involved in such an approach and the forms of cooperation it supports.
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