Curriculum, animated drawing and diversity
Diversity, Cartoon, Pedagogical resourceAbstract
The main objective of this study is to characterize the textual genre Cartoon as a pedagogical tool to be used in Basic Education to deal with diversity, adopting the notion of curriculum as a phenomenon in permanent process of (re) elaboration, marked by multiple and different theoretical-epistemological conceptions, but always as time / place for the formation of critical, creative and intellectually independent subjects. From the central theme, the design How to Train Your Dragon was chosen in order to analyze their characters in relation to diversity and inclusive behavior. It was also intended to highlight the school as a legitimate body to develop a curricular work with an educational meaning and meaning that express different worldviews and values that encourage harmonious coexistence between people. With this article, in addition to suggesting the development of a methodology to work on diversity, it is intended to contribute to reflections and discussions about the teaching and learning process, which are recurrent, current and necessary for the pedagogical doing.Downloads
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