About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal “Especial” (Special Education), published by the Federal University of Santa Maria, aims to publish only original articles in the field of Special Education. It aim at students, teachers and researchers in education. Works must be of a quality and context that the Editorial Board think would be of interest to a national and international readership.

The printed publication beguns in 1986 and were closed in 2016. Currently, only the electronic version is available. We publish approximately 85 articles per year, in a quarterly periodicity, being the first two issues dedicated to continuous flow´s demand, and the last one organized as a Thematic Dossier. The Journal has the Portuguese (Brazil) as the main language and English or Spanish as the secondary languages.



Cataloging Sheet

Conflict of interest

Plagiarism Policy

Turnitin – Originality checking and plagiarism prevention software.

Peer Review Process

The editorial board reserves the right not to publish papers by the same author in interstices smaller than two editions. Moreover, the editorial board rejects studies submitted to other national or international journals, as well as those referred for books or book chapters. The process of submission and review of submitted papers occurs through the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER). After being submitted, the papers are previously evaluated by the Editorial Board: those that are outside of editorial standards will be returned to the authors, the others will be send to thead hoc evaluators to be review. The identification of authors and institutions not must be in the text sent for review. The approval or rejection of each paper depends of the availability and agility of the Editorial Board and the ad hoc evaluators.

Instructions to Evaluators



Continuous publication - Electronic ISSN: 1984-686X

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content due to the principle that make available freely the scientific knowledge to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge worldwide.

Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Journal History

Revista Educação Especial’s first issue was available in 1987, initially named “Cadernos de Educação Especial” (Special Education Notebooks – metaphrase). That year, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) reached 27 years of existence, from which, 25 of them had effective dedication to the work with Special Education, be it in human resources formation or in the special needs students’ care.

It initially aimed to communicate, to school network’s teachers, what was being produced by teachers of the Special Education Department and Special Education graduation students. The result of teaching activities, extension programs and research, the manuscripts contemplated researches’ discussions, experiences’ reports and reviews.

During its first years, it was hard to keep the journal. Besides human and financial resources, technicians’ availability, the fundamental was missing: the divulgation’s raw material. Teachers and students’ production weren’t enough to keep the journal’s periodicity. Therefore, other institutions’ teachers and professionals were fundamental; not only in order to keep the periodicity, but also to stretch the horizons and deepen topics, providing mutual enrichment of all people who dedicate themselves to Special Education.

Revista Educação Especial is distributed nowadays to, approximately, two hundred Brazilian and foreign institutions. It receives contributions of national and international researchers. It also keeps its periodicity and seeks, permanently, to improve its editing processes, along with distribution and others.

The journal’s editorial proposal remains intending to disseminate education researchers’ unique academic productions, focusing, mainly, in researches directly linked to Special Education, so that debate on public policies, services, teacher formation, inclusive education and emerging themes can increase.

Thus, the knowledge dissemination produced on the Special Education field intends to discuss conceptions, indicate pedagogic actuation possibilities and, especially, to socialize information that can contribute to the formation process of professionals involved with Special Education.