Image analysis using X-ray to evaluate seed quality of <i>Anadenanthera peregrina</i> (L) Speg
DOI: clave:
Germination, High throughput image analysis, Native species, VigorResumen
Solutions based on image analysis are a growing trend towards improving the quality of forest seeds. This study aimed to associate the information obtained through the processing of radiographic images with the physiological potential of Anadenanthera peregrina seeds. Ten seed lots from different mother trees were submitted to automated X-ray analysis to obtain variables related to seed morphology and tissue integrity. Then, the seeds were evaluated for their physiological potential through the variables germination, normal seedlings, germination speed index (GSI), seedling length, uniformity index, and vigor index. The results showed that there was a relationship between the variables obtained with the X-ray analysis and those of the physiological potential of the seeds. Most of the lots with low physiological potential had lower tissue density, circularity, and a higher positive skewness value. The X-ray technique can be considered valid to establish a relationship between the physical and physiological quality of seeds, however, it seems to be more efficient to identify seeds with low physiological potential.
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