
  • Diogo Feistauer
  • Paulo Emilio Lovato
  • Alexandre Siminski
  • Sidivan Aparecido Resende



environmental adequacy, Brazilian Forest Code, Amazon region.


In order to evaluate the effects of Brazil’s new Forest Code on the legal status of farm households, 17 farms, located in Portal da Amazonia territory, northern Mato Grosso state, and managed in either conventional specialized farm (CPS) or organic (OPS) production systems were studied. The total area per farm, as well as the surfaces of legal reserve units and preservation areas were measured by using Geographic Information System (GIS), to allow a comparison of these data with legal requirements for the Amazon Region. Most of the small farm households did not comply with the required percentages of land for Legal Reserve (LR) and Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), in the latter case regarding riparian areas and areas for protection of water sources. Farms under OPS showed better results regarding preservation of native vegetation as well as higher percentages of forest remnants in their LR. Considering the amnesties and exemptions established by the New Forest Code, most farms have complied with the terms and requirements of current Brazilian environmental regulations.


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How to Cite

Feistauer, D., Lovato, P. E., Siminski, A., & Resende, S. A. (2014). IMPACT OF THE NEW BRAZILIAN FORESTRY CODE ON THE ADEQUACY OF SMALL FARM HOUSEHOLDS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW. Ciência Florestal, 24(3), 749–757.



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