
  • Fabiane Furlaneto Souchie UFSM
  • Ben Hur Marimon Junior
  • Fabiano André Petter
  • Beata Emöke Madari
  • Beatriz Schwantes Marimon
  • Eddie Lenza



biochar, seed germination, plant height, plant biomass, Brazilian savanna (Cerrado).


The objective of the present study was to investigate the efficiency of charcoal as amendment to the substrate used for high vigor of growing seedlings, testing Tachigali vulgaris as representative species of the ‘Cerrado’ Biome. Amazonian dark earth soil (Terra Preta de Índio), enriched by pyrogenic carbon and available nutrients were taken as model example. The experiment was carried out in the nursery of the State University of Mato Grosso, in Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The treatments consisted of 0, 5, 12.5, 25 and 50% (v/v) of Eucalyptus sp. charcoal mixed with the standard substrate. Seed germination was evaluated at the beginning of the experiment, as well as the height and stem diameter of seedlings and the number of leaves was measured every 30 days during eight months. At the end of the 8th month, the stem diameter and the dry matter of the seedling biomass (aerial part and root system) were measured. The germination of the seeds was above 80% in all treatments and no differences were observed between them. The charcoal, however, had significant effect on the other parameters determined, all of them showing significant and positive correlation with the charcoal doses. Consequently, charcoal is a good option as biological amendment to the substrate for the creation of healthy and more resistant seedlings of Tachigali vulgaris, an important requirement for adverse field conditions, such as restoration of degraded areas in the Cerrado Biome.


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How to Cite

Souchie, F. F., Marimon Junior, B. H., Petter, F. A., Madari, B. E., Marimon, B. S., & Lenza, E. (2011). CHARCOAL AS AMENDMENT TO SUBSTRATE OF SEEDLINGS OF <i>Tachigali vulgaris<i> L.G. Silva & H.C. Lima. Ciência Florestal, 21(4), 811–821.



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