
  • Miele Tallon Matheus UFSM
  • José Carlos Lopes
  • Nathale Bicalho Corrêa



germination, vigor, harvest period, morphology.


The study objective was to determine the physiological maturation of the Erythrina variegata L. seed. Each flower was identified according to its respective anthesis date. The fruit was collected weekly following the 21st day after anthesis (DAA). The following characteristics were evaluated: length and diameter of each fruit; color, fresh mass, dry mass, water content of both fruit and seeds; the seed germination state and vigor. The experimental design utilized was the completely randomized. It was found that the fruit of E. variegata continues to grow in both length and diameter up until the 42nd DAA. The seeds start to germinate on the 63rd DAA, when the seed water content is 68.15% and the dry mass is 481.38 mg per seed. The maximum germination and vigor are obtained at the 77th DAA which coincides with the maximum seed dry mass. At this time the fruit has a dark brown color with brown-purple seeds which have a corneous tegument and a water content of 21%. This is considered as being the physiological maturation point of the seeds. The dehiscence of the fruit occurs at the 91st DAA.


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How to Cite

Matheus, M. T., Lopes, J. C., & Corrêa, N. B. (2011). PHYSIOLOGICAL MATURATION OF Erythrina variegata L. SEEDS. Ciência Florestal, 21(4), 619–627.




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