
  • Letícia Schlichting Hostin Lima UFSM
  • Elci Terezinha Henz Franco
  • Mauro Valdir Schumacher



palm tree, mineral nutrition, macronurient, biomass.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of phosphorus doses in the growth of seedling of palm as well as to determine the content of macro and micronutrients from the below and above ground biomass through a tissue analysis. The assay was conducted in a greenhouse. The treatments were quantitative and equidistant, constituted by: T1- control (soil without P); T2-90; T3-180; T4-270; T5-360; T6-450; T7-540; T8-630; of P, respectively. 12 months after sowing, the following variables were evaluated: above ground height and biomass, below ground biomass and total. The nutritional analysis from below and above ground biomass was done to obtain the amount of macro and micronutrients. Results show that the growth of young palm plants was achieved to the analyzed parameters. Growth was obtained for height and it increased the aerial biomass of the plants to the doses of 540 of P, the answer was positive for the development of the below ground biomass to the doses of 450 mg dm-3, and the development of total biomass was reached with the doses of 540 For the macro tenors and micronutrients in the above ground biomass, the following sequence has been obtained, respectively: N> Ca> K> Mg> P>S; Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu, and for below ground: N> Ca> Mg> S> K> P; Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu, and the tenors of P didn't alter the tenors of nutrients in the plant.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. S. H., Franco, E. T. H., & Schumacher, M. V. (2008). GROWTH SEELING OF Euterpe edulis MARTIUS IN RESPONSE TO DIFFERENT DOSES OF MATCH. Ciência Florestal, 18(4), 461–470.




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