Genetic diversity in matrices and progenies of <i>Euterpe edulis</i> Mart. in managed area and in natural populations by microsatellites markers




Juçara palm tree, SSR, Population genetics, Sustainable management


Euterpe edulis, an endangered palm tree from the Atlantic Forest, has ecological and economic importance through the use of fruit pulp. Identifying genetically divergent matrices in populations is useful for species conservation and breeding. The present study aimed to estimate the genetic diversity of morphologically divergent plants that may be used as stock specimens as well as that of their progeny families, in a managed area and in areas of natural populations of the species in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Twenty-one matrices were evaluated, of which 13 were obtained from areas managed for the sustainable exploitation of fruits (previously evaluated for fruit traits) and eight from natural populations in the state of Espírito Santo. For each matrix, 10 progenies were evaluated, constituting 21 families. From microsatellite marker genotyping, the characterization of the parent plants and their progenies was performed by the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities and the inbreeding index (f), as well as the molecular variance analysis of the plants from the different plants. The matrices of the managed area of Rio Novo do Sul presented higher Ho and He, and lower f, indicating greater diversity. Lower Ho (0.36) and He (0.41) and higher f (0.15) were observed for Pinheiros matrices, indicating lower diversity and inbreeding. Analysis of variance between the collection sites of the matrices revealed greater intrapopulation than interpopulation genetic variation. The matrices collected from natural populations, Linhares and, especially, from Pinheiros, present less genetic diversity. In the managed area, the individuals presented greater diversity for the matrices and their progenies, indicating potential for the conservation and sustainable use of the genetic resource in this area. The matrices indicated for breeding, with the possibility of generating descendants with higher morphological performance for fruits and high diversity were RNS_154 and RNS_76.


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How to Cite

Moraes, M. C. de, Mengarda, L. H. G., Canal, G. B., Pereira, P. M., Ferreira, A., & Ferreira, M. F. da S. (2020). Genetic diversity in matrices and progenies of <i>Euterpe edulis</i> Mart. in managed area and in natural populations by microsatellites markers. Ciência Florestal, 30(2), 583–594.



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