
  • Joice Machado Garcia
  • Regina Márcia Longo
  • Júlio César Penereiro
  • Deborah Regina Mendes
  • Paloma Mantovani



environmental degradation, leaf area index, remaining forest.


Currently, the development of large centers has exerted constant pressure on the remaining forests located in urban areas. The study of environmental impacts to which they are exposed allows better management and conservation of forest remnants located in this areas. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the impacts of degradation in forest border areas and inside of Mata de Santa Genebra, a forest remnant constituted 85% of semideciduous forest, located in Barão Geraldo district (Campinas, SP) belonging to Ribeirão das Pedras river basin. They took up 19 points within the remaining, three photos were taken for each point, equidistant 200 meters from each other and each at a distance of 5 meters from the traversed tracks. Additionally, 40 points in the remainder of the edge area, also discussed in triplicate, equally spaced 200 meters apart and each at a distance of 10 meters from the edge of the forest fragment. The results lead to the conclusion that in the winter, through the Leaf Area Index analyzes, the edge of the remaining forest is more degraded in the interior, including point out of the places where degradation had become more pronounced and they need more emergency actions for their recovery. These results are probably due to anthropogenic influences present in the studied forest stretches.


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How to Cite

Garcia, J. M., Longo, R. M., Penereiro, J. C., Mendes, D. R., & Mantovani, P. (2018). USE OF HEMISPHERIC PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN MATA DE SANTA GENEBRA, CAMPINAS/SP STATE, BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 28(1), 175–190.




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